Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Ed Sheeran Wedding Project

I don't have an incredibly miraculous or sad story. I have been very blessed and fortunate in my life with a close family, a loving fiance, and supportive sweet friends. I don't live with any regrets but I would have one MAJOR regret if I didn't just try to make this happen. I have a pretty big wish...

I want Ed Sheeran to sing at my wedding. (pause for gasps!)

My name is Anna Marie Odom, I'm 23, and I'm getting married to my high school sweetheart of 8 years (in December) in April 2015. Ryan Dunne and I met in our tenth grade history class. With the help of our friends and history teacher Ryan asked me to be his girlfriend on December 1st, 2006 after a football game. This is also where he asked me to marry him, the most amazing day of my life. Ryan is an incredible man. He's extremely supportive and my number one fan. I am very musical and he has always supported me musically AND my love for going to concerts!

I find out that a band or artist is coming to a town near me and I start saving up money so I can attend. I spend more money on concert tickets than I do anything else for myself. I enjoy music festivals and concerts and that is one of my little joys in life. I've seen a lot of people live but the one artist that I ahve always wanted to see live was, you guessed it, Ed Sheeran. He is my musical inspiration and I listen to his albums and EP's on repeat daily. 

June 2014. My concert friend, the girl I go to most concerts with, Keleigh sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to the Ed Sheeran concert in Nashville. If you know me you know my answer was a very enthusiastic "YAAAASSSSS". There was NO QUESTION I was going to this concert. I had watched so many youtube videos of Ed performing and wanted to experience the real deal LIVE. If I had a bucket list this would have been numero uno. 

August 24th 2014. This is when I came up with the idea of making a sign to take to the Ed Sheeran concert. It was the day after Ryan asked me to be his wife. I have known for a little over a year that I wanted our first dance song to be to Ed Sheeran's "Kiss Me". But what would make this even more amazing is "What if Ed Sheeran sang this song at our wedding?!" At first this seemed like a far-fetched idea that I would soon let go but I just COULDN'T let the hope go. So I created this sign...

That's me in front of a bus with Ed on it :) :) :)

September 13th 2014. This was the day that we headed to Nashville to see the most amazing artist I've ever known or listened to. Me and 3 of my friends were in section 116 on Ed's left. We soon realized "oh it's kind of dark in here, how is he going to see my sign?". I also didn't want to inconvenience the people behind me with my large sign so we waited for Ed to take his picture of the crowd. He turned up all the lights and I screamed and waved my sign around thinking "We got this, he's totally going to see this." 

Unfortunately we didn't make the picture :( BUT we came up with a hashtag and this plan to get him to see this! So I took another picture outside of Bridgestone arena and shared on instagram and twitter the hashtag #EdSingForMyWed 

*Thank you Keleigh, Erin, and Kelby for putting up with me and my sign!!
All I want is for Ed to see this and know that he is my favorite artist and if he would consider singing my first dance song to my soon-tobe husband it would make marrying my highschool sweetheart that much more special.

Please if you can and want to help a girl out with a big wish all it takes is a click of a "share" button or a tweet of the hashhtag to Ed Sheeran and his manager Stuart Camp. Make my wish for my wedding come true!! Let's bring Ed Sheeran to ALABAMA!!

#EdSingForMyWed #FinallyDunne

*Tenth Grade*

*Engaged at 23*

You can find me:
Twitter: @AnnaOdom
Facebook: Anna Marie Odom

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